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Three marketing areas exhibited massive expansion Y-O-Y with consequential effects to brand loyalty:

  1. Competitive sets,
  2. Atypical increases in consumer expectations, and
  3. Opportunities for traditional and digital communication outreach and brand engagement.

Expansion related to each of those areas resulted in truly notable changes to the loyalty landscape:

  1. Nine brands disappeared from this year’s Top 100 Loyalty Leaders,
  2. Seven brands made their first-time appearance,
  3. Two brands returned to this year’s Top 100 (one after a 4-year absence, and one after a 7-year hiatus).

To see who vanished, who showed up, and who returned, take a look at destination CRM’s A Look Where Loyalty Lies.

Creating real loyalty has always been challenging. More so in the face of these expansion issues, but:

  1. The good news is loyalty is logical and easily understood.
  2. The better news is it can be quantified, predicted, and easily integrated into your research efforts.
  3. The best news is real loyalty metrics correlate very highly with sales.

For more information regarding:

  1. Your brand’s position on the Brand Keys 2019 Loyalty Leaders List,
  2. The best ways to deal with expansion in areas affecting your brand’s loyalty, or
  3. Information about integrating predictive loyalty and emotional engagement into your marketing, media, and research efforts,

Contact: Leigh Benatar at 212-532-6028 or Easy as 1-2-3.

Find out more about what makes customer loyalty happen and how Brand Keys metrics is able to predict future consumer behavior: Visit our YouTube channel to learn more about Brand Keys methodology, applications and case studies.

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