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Sure, every brand says it does this; that it’s customer-focused and its research always represents the “voice of the customer.” It’s a nice thought but, unfortunately, today most traditional research doesn’t even come close to capturing customer whispers, let alone actual voices!

Studies conducted via traditional techniques provide a fine net for capturing a historical portrait of what people have already done, but they can’t tell you what’s down the road. And most don’t correlate highly with customer behavior or sales in the real-world marketplace.

But here’s an opportunity for your brand to possess 100% consumer-driven voices. Research designed to provide emotionally-based insights generalizable at the 95% confidence level, with findings that correlate with in-market behavior and brand profitability at levels of 0.85 or higher, and illuminate how people truly make choices in the real marketplace.

Our 22nd annual Brand Keys Customer Loyalty Engagement Index (CLEI) will be fielded again this January. We’ll be talking – and listening – to over 50,000 consumers, men and women, 16 to 65 years of age, drawn from the nine U.S. Census Regions. We will examine 1,000 B2C and B2B brands in over 100 categories. You (and your competitors) are probably already there!

The research, a combination of validated psychological research and some very, very smart higher-order statistical analyses, has been independently validated by organizations such as the ARF, the ANA, and ESOMAR.

Listening to over 50,000 consumer voices each wave provides brands and marketers with insightful, cost-effective, effectual, and powerfully accurate brand insights that can help you and your brand “hear” the real voice of your customer.

For more information about our correlated-to-behavior, emotionally-based, and independently-validated brand insights, and to find out if your brand is or can be included in the 2018 CLEI, give Leigh Benatar a call (212-532-6028) or email him ( He can show you how to turn up the volume on your target consumers’ voices.


Find out more about what makes customer loyalty happen and how Brand Keys metrics is able to predict future consumer behavior: Visit our YouTube channel to learn more about Brand Keys methodology, applications and case studies.

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