Merriam-Webster dictionary defines “demographics” as the statistical characteristics of populations, such as age, gender, education, and income to identify markets.
They’re still very useful. Particularly for media targeting, but not so much for marketing any more.
A lot of marketers seem to think that if you get someone to engage with your brand at the start of their consumer lifecycle – barring some sort of brand or marketing disaster – you’ll keep them forever.
But that theory no longer works. Certainly not as well as it did 40 years ago. Or even 20 years ago.
Communication, customization, and context have changed the way consumers interact with brands. Their attitudes toward brands have changed. Their access to brands has changed. How consumers behave toward brands has changed. Hell, everything you knew has changed.
Well, everything but emotional engagement. That’s only gotten more important. Consumers respond more to the emotional than the rational and using emotional engagement to “define” audiences has been proven to boost brand consideration, ad effectiveness, and sales.
Want to see how?
We invite you to read a new study published in Admap “Defining Audiences in the Fast Casual Category,” that shows how advertisers can more successfully segment audiences via emotional engagement and create more effective advertising. In most categories, up to six times more effective!
Unilever CMO Keith Weed recently called for brands to market “in segments of one.”
That one most important segment?
Emotional brand engagement.
Find out more about what makes customer loyalty happen and how Brand Keys metrics is able to predict future consumer behavior: brandkeys.com. Visit our YouTube channel to learn more about Brand Keys methodology, applications and case studies.
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