Brand Keys has tracked the value of the Trump brand for more than 30 years.
Trump brand’s power to influence consumer and business perceptions of the products and services it was attached to was so profound, in 1991 Brand Keys named it its first “human brand,” which meant Trump was able to successfully and profitably transfer those values – his values – seamlessly to products and services.
Alas, no longer, apparently.
Our new survey found the Trump brand slid in every major category we currently follow. Why?
Because it’s virtually impossible – even for a brand that was as strong as Trump’s – to operate successfully in the consumer marketplace and political arena simultaneously. The values are just not synonymous!
See what MediaPost’s Marketing: Politics Weekly had to say about it: https://www.mediapost.com/publications/article/362903/trump-post-presidency-brand-value-plummets.html
For you political junkies, the complete survey findings can be found here: https://brandkeys.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/PRESS-RELEASE-Trump-Brand-100-Days-Out-0421.pdf
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